Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (DeBN)
The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Indiana now offers debtors the opportunity to request receipt of notices and orders that have been issued by the court via email through a program called Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing or “DeBN.”
DeBN provides the following advantages:
- Faster – Debtors will receive notices and orders that have been issued by the court the same day they are issued.
- Convenient – Access notices anywhere you have internet access.
- No more lost paperwork – Storing notices and orders that have been issued by the court on your computer means never losing a paper copy.
- It is FREE!
Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9036, a party may make a written request for delivery of notices via email, instead of U.S. Mail. Through the DeBN program, only notices and orders that have been issued by the court can be emailed to the debtor. Debtors requesting participation in the DeBN program must complete and file a Debtor’s Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing (DeBN) Request form with the court where their case is filed.
By enrolling in DeBN, a debtor consents to receive court notices and orders through email and will not receive them through U.S. Mail. Electronic debtor noticing applies only to the notices and orders issued by the court. All other parties, such as creditors and trustees, will continue to serve the debtor via U.S. Mail or as required by court rules.