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Electronic Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings

In accordance with the policy of the Judicial Conference of the United States (Judicial Conference) regarding the electronic availability of transcripts of court proceedings, effective March 9, 2009, the following procedures will apply to all transcripts filed on and after that date in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Indiana.
A. Access During the 90 Days After Filing.
1. Limited Access at the Clerk’s Office. A transcript provided by a court reporter or transcriber will be available only for inspection and public viewing at public access terminals in the office of the clerk of court for a period of 90 days after it is delivered to the clerk. During this time, the original transcript may not be printed or copied by the clerk for any person.
2. Obtaining Copies of Transcripts. During the 90 days after a transcript has been filed with the court, a copy of the transcript may be obtained from the court reporter or transcriber at the rate established by the Judicial Conference. An attorney who purchases a transcript from the court reporter or transcriber will be allowed remote electronic access to the transcript through the court's CM/ECF system but will be assessed a PACER fee for all such access which will not be capped at 30 pages.
B. Redaction of Personal Identification Information
1. Review of Transcript. It is the responsibility of attorneys and pro se parties who attended the hearing to review the transcript for redaction of personal identification information.
2. Redaction Under Rule 9037(a).
a. Notice of Intent to Request Redaction. If a party wants to redact information contained in the transcript, that party must file a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction within 7 days after the original transcript is filed with the clerk. A copy of this Notice must be served on the court reporter or transcriber.
b. Request for Redaction. After filing a Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, the filer has 21 days from the date of the filing of the original transcript to file a Request for Redaction. This Request must identify each personal identifier that is to be redacted and where that information appears in the transcript by listing the page and line number.
c. Filing of Redacted Transcript. Once a Request for Redaction has been filed, the court reporter or transcriber has 31 days from the date of the filing of the original transcript to file a redacted version of the transcript.
3. Redaction Under Rule 9037(d). A person seeking to redact information that is not covered by Rule 9037(a) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure must file a Motion for Protective Order, together with a brief in support thereof, pursuant to Rule 9037(d).
C. Availability of Transcripts After 90 Days. After the 90-day period has ended, the filed transcript will be available for inspection and copying in the clerk's office and for downloading from the court's CM/ECF system through the judiciary's PACER system as described below. Charges for access to transcripts through PACER are not capped at 30 pages.
1. No Redacted Transcript Filed. If a redacted version of the transcript has not been filed, the unredacted transcript will be available for inspection and copying in the clerk's office and for remote electronic access through the PACER system unless otherwise ordered by the court upon appropriate motion and for cause shown.
2. Redacted Transcript Filed. After a redacted version of the transcript has been filed, only the redacted transcript will be available for inspection and copying in the clerk's office and for remote electronic access through the PACER system. The unredacted version will not be available, either at the clerk’s office or through PACER.